Tricare certified doula

Airforce Tricare coverage
Tricare certified birth doula

how to qualify

TRICARE will cover up to six visits by certified labor doulas, either before or after you give birth. You also get one doula visit for the length of your labor and delivery. These doulas are trained professionals who provide non-medical support for birthing parents.
“TRICARE is breaking new ground by covering doula services,” added Ferron. “The support services provided by certified labor doulas will complement maternity services by TRICARE-authorized physicians and other medical professionals.”
TRICARE is creating a network of certified labor doulas. You can use a doula outside of the network. But you must make sure your doula still meets the CBSD qualifications for you to get reimbursement.
To qualify for doula visits, you must:

  • Be at least 20 weeks pregnant
  • See a TRICARE-authorized provider for your birth event
  • Referral from your PCM
  • File for reimbursement with itemized bill from your doula


How To File A Claim

Fill out DD FORM 2642

Mail to:

Tricare East Region Claims

PO Box 7981

Madison, WI 53707-7981

For Filing Tips click here

Nave Tricare coverage
Tricare certified birth doula

Me and The Military

I am well versed with the military family lifestyle, challenges and uniqueness.  Although many things have changed since our retirement, lots of things remain the same. Family separation, frequent moves to new duty stations, making new friends and then, there is pregnancy in the military. This is can be a very challenging time without support from immediate family and friends. It may cause anxieties for some moms trying to navigate pregnancy at a new duty station and the upcoming military lifestyle with a baby. 

Tricare has introduced a new program for doulas. It is currently a “pilot program” and hopefully it will turn into a permanent and enhanced program. It seems there is room to grow and it is my hopes that it will be improved in the near future. 

In the meantime, I am happy to report that all my military families have been reimbursed for the allowance set forth by Tricare. Please see below for the qualifications and schedule a feel free to schedule a consultation with me.

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